Royston Hockey Club AGM 2023

Royston Hockey Club AGM 2023

Thursday 27 July 2023
19:00 - 20:00
Carl Taylor
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The AGM will take place at 7 pm on the 27th of July at the Golf Club. Can you please confirm your attendance or otherwise?


  • Welcome by the Chairman
  • Apologies for Absence
  • Chairman’s Report
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Playing Reports - Adults, Junior
  • Election of Chairman – Handled by the Club Secretary/other
  • Election of Committee Members – Handled by the Club Chairman
  • AOB – Handled by Chairman

Confirmation of those standing this year to be agreed at the AGM.

PresidentColin Smith
ChairmanStephen Gourd
TreasurerSarah Gourd
SecretaryCarl Taylor
Subscription Secretary
Fixture Secretary:Sarah Farmer
Ladies Social Secretary
Men's Social Secretary
Welfare OfficerSarah Gourd
Junior RepresentativeSarah Kersey
Mens RepJosh Hudges
Ladies RepClare Allsopp
Website ManagerCarl Taylor/Chris London
Social Network/Press/Media Officer:John Gourd
Umpire Liaison OfficerAlex Marinkovic

If you would like to stand for any of the positions detailed above – please let me know by emailing but no later than the 24th of July 2023.

You can find more information about what the role means HERE. (Must be logged in to download).

Further reading
This is a past event
17 members attending
James Parsley
James Parsley
Chris London
Chris London
John Gourd
John Gourd
Carl Taylor
Carl Taylor
Clare Allsopp
Clare Allsopp
Chloe Bugler
Chloe Bugler